Community Guidelines

General Guidelines

Our goal at is to provide a safe environment where people can meet new people. Members should adhere to our below guidelines at all times - in a nutshell this means you should respect other members of our community. is a place to meet people and not to sell things or be offensive. Not following the rules means you will lose access to our site and apps.

  • Be polite - do not share anything which may offend others
  • Be real - do not pretend to be anyone else or use any content that you do not have permission to share
  • All content must comply with local laws and communinity standards
  • Do not use to sell or promote any products, services, events, or anything at all
  • Do not share or request private information such as home address, passport or ID copy, banking information etc
  • Do not beg for financial assistance or request "help"
  • Never send money to anyone for any reason
  • Do not upload photos of anyone under 18 even if they are your own child
  • is for dating - do not post any political or religious messages, promote anything, or discuss the monarchy

Profile Photo Guidelines

You can upload photos to your profile. These photos are publicly available and must follow the following rules:

  • Photos must be of yourself only
  • Photos must not contain anyone under the age of 18 - even if it is your own child.
  • Photos must clearly show your face
  • Photos must not contain any nudity or sexual acts (including implied)
  • Photos must not be of a political or religious nature - such as images of Buddah or a political message or figure
  • Photos must not promote drug use, or violence
  • Overly edited photos will be deleted
  • Do not use photos that you do not have permission to use - for example a photo of yourself but it was professionally taken by someone else who owns the copyright and does not give permission for it to be reproduced on a dating site
  • Photos must not be commercial such as advertising any product, event or service
  • Photos must meet local laws and cultural standards - if its offensive it may be deleted or the profile blocked

Private Message Photo Guidelines

You may send photos to other users. While these photos are private between you and the recipient - they may be reviewed by human moderators and your account may be banned if you violate the below rules:

  • No impersonation of other people
  • You should have permission to share the photo
  • No promotion of anything commercial including any product, event or service
  • Never send private information such as home address, passport or ID card copies, or other sensitive information
  • Only send photos that the recipient is likely to want to receive.
  • Sending offensive photos may get your profile banned even if the photo wasn't reported
  • Sending photos of text only is not allowed - just send a message.
  • Sending cat photos, food photos, scenery and holiday photos in a private message is ok!

Messaging Guidelines

You can send messages to other users - please follow the rules below.

  • No promotion of anything commercial including any product, event or service
  • Be polite and friendly in your messages - you are more likely to receive a response this way
  • If someone stops replying to your messages - do not harass them with further messages or create new accounts to message them
  • Do not request personal information such as home address, full name, passport or ID card number etc.
  • Never ask for money or "help" or any kind of financial assistance.

Profile Text Guidelines

Your profile is a great way to show your personality and a good profile will get way more messages than a boring or empty profile. Please be wary of the below rules

  • No promotion of anything commercial including any product, event or service
  • Comply with local laws and community standards
  • No political or religious messaging
  • No offensive or racist messages on profiles
  • Do not slander other users - your profile should only be about you
  • Do not share private or sensitive information on your profile
  • Do not ask for money or "help" or any kind of financial assistance.